Dear Old Friend | Teen Ink

Dear Old Friend

December 14, 2011
By Madeline Roe BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
Madeline Roe BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear old friend

I lay featly at your roots, garnet grass sprouting in between their spindly fingers
Draping over me, your ruby leaves are a veil of copper fire
Your auburn skin rough on my back
The subtle wind flitters through your chilled branches

Dear old friend

Sitting at your side, I am bundled securely in a cocoon of furs
Reposed under your grotesque limbs, weighted by the ivory snow
They reach over me like wrinkled hands glittered in frost
Your bear bark like brittle bones clanking in the wind

Dear old friend

I’m sprawled out under your thickening lush canopy
Bare feet digging in the grass that sprouts from nooks and crannies
Your skin is laden in a carpet of lichen and emerald moss
Nesting my head in your flowery pillow I dream of light beams that caress our glade

Dear old friend

I spend tedious days under your salvation
Your shade dapples my flickering eyelids
Through openings in your full branches I gaze at clouds as they tread the air
The culmination of our well spent days of lazy lying will only mark the rebirth of a new year and a continued friendship

Sincerely To my dear old friend

The author's comments:
This is for a project in class, I was inspired by a tree that sits on a hill behind my house. i have spent many years with my "Dear old friend" the tree.

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