Sisters | Teen Ink


December 14, 2011
By kcook BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
kcook BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Late at night,
when it’s dark
no sound at all,
not even a bark-

we vent to each other,
no secrets are kept
you talk to me,
you truly are the best there could be.

advice is
shared here and there
we each agree life isn’t fair,
in our bed we lay,
making memories every day.

when I’m down,
you cheer me up,
we make a cup of hot chocolate using syrup.
You tell me a joke, only we understand,
and I smile on my face starts to land.

all the laughs
we shared,
you’ll never know
how much I cared.
those memories to me,
are the ones that I’ll remember
I’ll miss you – til’ next November

please never
change, just stay the same
even though this may sound lame,
you’re my best friend. It always will be
just you and me.

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