How to Soar | Teen Ink

How to Soar

January 2, 2012
By music_man748 PLATINUM, Monett, Missouri
music_man748 PLATINUM, Monett, Missouri
45 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"To fully understand living, we must first live in full understanding." J-Moore

The days grow closer,
and I grow farther away,
letting go of who I was,
and who I am today,
there is not much left for me,
not much more I can do,
so I am letting go of who I am, hoping that it's best for you,
you are all that matters,
the rest is just the past,
you are all I need,
and this all just seems too fast,
you are the one for me,
you are what gets me by,
and I try to hold on to that,
but all I can do is try,
I am bound by your hands,
yet unbound from it all,
the only thing I have left,
is to let go and fall,
float through the sky,
and down to the Earth,
wondering why when I hit,
it doesn't seem to hurt,
I can never reach the end,
I will just fall forever more,
but I see now I am not falling,
you have taught me how to soar.

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