Bleed | Teen Ink


January 1, 2012
By Daree BRONZE, Hillside, New Jersey
Daree BRONZE, Hillside, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Define yourself before someone else will!!

We bled
For him, For her
But never for you
For I
Never for yourself
For myself
Why must I die
Is my life
My existence
My being
That insignificant
When I am
To be limited to
Twenty five years of life
Does my creativity
My intellect
My ideas
Our ideas
Equate to this pool
This vacuum
Of nothingness
Why is it that I have
That you have
That we all have been
Written off as the
Second class citizens of
This world
This nation
Of which we built
With our very own hands
Our ideas
Our creativity
And innate abilities, talents
That have been regarded
As the subsidies of our souls
Is it because we
Bled for the wrong people
For the wrong reasons
A people of
Heart, love, and peace
Transcended that love and peace
To the oppressors
And over the years
Exchanged such a life for
Hate and violence
Amongst those who
Need the love
Why I ask
Why did we bleed
Were we too blind,
To see such truths
In the pit of their lies
Were we afraid
Of the power our unity
Once possessed
Why bleed
Why allow such riches
To be stripped from you
In front of your very eyes
Why help your enemies
Rid you of
The very power
Your unity possessed
The greatest power
In numbers
Yet we stayed
Physically suppressed
For 400 years
And mentally slaves
Why have we bled
And why do we
Continue to bleed
For the wrong people
For the wrong reasons
Come together
Rise above the occasion
Above your oppressor
Above your current masters
Above those who have
Already wrote you off
As ignorant, worthless beasts
Before you can even open
Your mouths to speak
Your eyes to see
And your ears to listen
Take the leap of faith
In yourself
In your people
Become the masters
Of your fate
The captains of
Your very own soul
Quit bleeding for those
Who have yet
To shed one drop
For you
Initially our circumstance
Here was not by
Choice of the captive
Now one must leave
That victim mentality
For the life of
Bleed my people
Bleed for one another
Bleed for your mother,
Your brother
Your sister
Your cousin
Even your fellow neighbors
Bleed for the right people
The right reasons
Bleed my people
Bleed for the revolution

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after reading the opening speech in the novel Malcolm X Speaks. While reading the speech I was moved by the word "Bleed" and the added meaning to it by the context. This then inspired me to write the poem titled "Bleed".

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