Stepping through the Seasons | Teen Ink

Stepping through the Seasons

December 26, 2011
By elana.dickman BRONZE, Denville, New Jersey
elana.dickman BRONZE, Denville, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The daystar casts shadows
of the branches onto the glass before me
The deafening silence is interrupted
with the whistle of the wind and the
subtle sway of the bare trees can be faintly perceived
The crunch from the reminisce of Fall outlining the lake
is clearly heard beneath my winter boots
as the calm lake continuously moves with the soft breeze
And the smell of smoke
from nearby chimneys is carried through the air
I tightly tuck my frost bitten fingers in my coat pockets
and begin to taste the sweet hot chocolate I desire
The few flurries fall but disappear
before they hit the cold Winter ground
where the frost covered green grass longs for
a blanket of white to cover it knowing
soon that a Winter Wonderland will blow in
Despite the beauty I yearn for the warmth that comes
from the midsummer shinning sun

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