Pondered love | Teen Ink

Pondered love

December 26, 2011
By Gary Kiebach BRONZE, Newmanstown, Pennsylvania
Gary Kiebach BRONZE, Newmanstown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting upon a spotted beach towel
I pondered
" How does one describe thy love,
How does one truly describe the desire of ones dear and only heart,"
A clergyman may say
"God's will is why thy lives for who thy loves and why thy love lives,"
A man of certain faith but uncertain purpose
MayPose an alternate postulation
"Love is the way 
a man makes right, 
love is what 
a man must do 
in order to be in possession
Of a tender, true,  heart soul,"
Through many thoughts 
And Tribulations
I've come to an utter conclusion
"That love's an utter miracle
Created for tranquility
And needed for eternity.

The author's comments:
Idk Hannah Hentz said she would like to read a free verse by me, so I wrote one

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