Forthcoming of Fall | Teen Ink

Forthcoming of Fall

November 30, 2011
By lml31power BRONZE, Commack, New York
lml31power BRONZE, Commack, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I take a step outside my screen door

I am greeted by a gallant gust of wind

Welcoming me to the new season

As the warm summer nights come to an end

The cool, crisp fall is among us

Leaves swoon over me

Turning bright red as if blushing

And falling to the ground in my presence

But I am a heart breaker, stomping on each leave

Only to hear the delightful crunching sound under my boots

Fall brings times of giving thanks and picking pumpkins

Gathering around at a table with the ones you love

Spending time outdoors before it is too late

And the world seems to be covered in a blanket of snow

Watching the warm sunset turn from pink and peach to pitch black at 5 o’clock

Smelling the scrumptious snacks of the season coming straight from my oven

Tempting my sweet tooth with each inhalation

It is the perfect weather for riding my bike around my neighborhood

To view the fall scenery unfolding around me

And watch as others experience the sensation of change happening around us

As I sit under my large maple tree, dripping with sap

I can sense the coming of fall and all the memories to be made waiting for me.

The author's comments:
I decided to write a poem about the beginning of fall because Fall is one of my favorite seasons and I love the way the scenery looks during fall. Not only do I love the way it looks outside during Fall, I like the ideas or things that associate with fall such as pumpkin pie and bike rides as well as Thanksgiving dinner with the family and the color change on the leaves of the trees. In order to properly administer the feeling of fall, I used alliteration and descriptors to describe the senses I have during fall. I believe that the alliteration I used planted a vivid picture in the minds of my readers so they could put themselves in the fall setting I was experiencing and understand why I enjoy the season of fall so much.

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