laughing out loud | Teen Ink

laughing out loud

December 16, 2011
By Bailey_nelms BRONZE, Lancaster, Ohio
Bailey_nelms BRONZE, Lancaster, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hearing a funny joke
And laughing loud and
Hysterically. I can’t stop laughing
And holding my stomach. I know I

Have a crowd starring at me but it’s funny.
All of my friends would be laughing.We’re
Holding our stomachs because of that joke,
And laugh and laugh and laugh until us

Holding our stomachs didn’t help
Anymore. Sometimes we’d be in silence
Hanging around and say something out loud
And bust-out laughing. My friends are
Hilarious. They make me laugh
A lot out loud.

The author's comments:
it's basically my every day life. i laugh at constant things. when i am in a bad mood i usually write about or read uplifting poems. i wrote this poem after my great grandfather had died. we have had great times together and always laughed so i wrote this poem

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