About Me | Teen Ink

About Me

December 7, 2011
By Anonymous

I am from snow falling down to earth.
The smell of hot chocolate fills the room.
I am from cheering and yelling.
Also the sound of the buzzer in the gym.
I am from the gigantic Christmas feasts.
My family and even some friends ring the doorbell.
I am from sandy and wet.
The waves destroy our deep hole.
I am from my mom’s caring voice.
She comforts me when I am sad.
I am from enthusiasm and craziness.
My Aunt cracks herself up a lot.
I am from hardworking.
As my dad works most of the time.
I am from sympathetic and trustworthy.
My friends mean the world to me.
I am from Citi Field and Duck’s Stadium.
The smells of hot dogs linger in the air.
I am from Applebee’s and Chili’s.
I love their Chocolate Lava Cakes.
I am from my comforting warm bed.
A place I can retreat to after a long day.
I am from spring to winter.
I am from noon to midnight.
I am from Commack to Selden where my dad lives.
It really is not that bad of a place.
I am from the eldest of five.
That is including my half sister.
I was from the beginning but, now sadly it is the end.

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