The Remembrance of Death | Teen Ink

The Remembrance of Death

December 22, 2011
By Manuel Hatzantonis BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
Manuel Hatzantonis BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I often think about the future.
How I can't wait for a specific date,
or until I am done with school.
I often wonder how I will look
when I have aged towards my 30's.
I ponder on what it is like
to grow old and retire,
but then I think of what comes afterwards.
It is a terrifying thought, but natural.
Is there a life after life?
Or is there nothing?
Each day I awake from my dreams
knowing this could be my last.
Knowing that I might find myself
in a strange realm,
or a world of darkness.
So now I have learned
to enjoy life fully.
Never to take anything
as simple as food in vain,
and to spend as much time
with my friends and family.
They will not be with me forever.

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