What makes a memory? | Teen Ink

What makes a memory?

December 22, 2011
By bratz-fanatic SILVER, Warner Robins, Georgia
bratz-fanatic SILVER, Warner Robins, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
if this town is just an apple, then let me take a bite- michael jackson"human nature"

What makes a memory?

Is it the length of the laughter?

The feeling of happiness?

Or the thought of it even after?

Is it the person you were with

the hugs that were shared

the love that was created

or the words that were dared

What makes a memory?

is it the words that were spoken

the time of grief

the hearts that were broken

is it the smiles that were flashed

the eyes that lit up the sky

the friends that clashed

or the book full of lies

I'm not really sure what makes a memory

is it the times when people envy?

the thoughts within me?

or even then people against me

What is a memory?

A memory is a recollection of a thought once had in the past

maybe at that moment you thought it would last

because at that moment you were either sad or having a blast

A memory something I never want to forget

Something I never will regret

Something that made me frown or smile

Something that went on for a while

I know that I have some wild memories

because it affected my life incredibly

If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be who I am today

So I guess for all my memories I am thankful in a way?

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