Knowing the real you | Teen Ink

Knowing the real you

December 15, 2011
By Cartershay BRONZE, Churubusco, Indiana
Cartershay BRONZE, Churubusco, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have three words for you
The first is I and the last is you
But the middle word describes how I feel about you

You're annoying, tall, and perverted
You're a skeleton walking this earth
You're a pale chest with tan arms
And you have a way to set off my inner alarms

You act gay, lie, and cuss
You always have to make a big fuss
You're a walking sports magazine
And a degrading teen

You're two faced and hypothetical
Some say you have no soul
You are beaten and broken
No longer a shiner token

You are a spoiled little brat
And you think you are better than people because if that
You're a know it all
And you believe you will never fall

And with all this said
The word hate is running through your head
But silly boy can't you tell I love you
Because behind all this is the real you

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