Features | Teen Ink


December 15, 2011
By ledzept4 BRONZE, Millersville, Pennsylvania
ledzept4 BRONZE, Millersville, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A storyteller, who’s is able to share share experiences, accomplishments, and journeys with thousands.
Project a scene, giving reader a sneak peek into the lives of celebrities, rock stars, and ordinary people.
I hit deadlines with an archer’s accuracy, allowing hundreds of words to flow off my fingertips, all to fill the reader with knowledge.
One on one



fire away.
Ask the right questions, learn something nobody else knows, ask the wrong ones, you’re just,

They could be millionaires, chart toppers, even award winners.
But for now,

It’s just you and them.
Eye contact, smile, look intrigued, and write down everything.
Notes are your lifeline.
It can separate mediocrity from memorable.
Absorb knowledge, ideas, and personalities.
Find the scoop, sift through the average, and find the unique

priceless experiences.
Words are limited
Spill little ink,
and your work is lifeless and dry.
Spill to much, and your reading are left slogging through sentences

I’ve learned the art of feature writing.
Taking another person’s story,
and projecting it for others to see.
Most of all

I’ve learned about myself.
A communicator.

An explorer.

A feature writer.

The author's comments:
This is an expert poem about feature writing.

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