Song of My Heart | Teen Ink

Song of My Heart

December 14, 2011
By kari-kiwi GOLD, Snohomish, Washington
kari-kiwi GOLD, Snohomish, Washington
10 articles 20 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stop judging by mere appearences and make a right judgement"
John 7:24

I’ve been walking through this life aimlessly.
I’m lost and have been for a long time.
I search and search for something,
Although I’m not sure quite what it is.

I stumble upon an object; a book.
A book from which the song of my heart once played.
But I cannot hear the music
Cannot remember the tune.

I toss the thing away in disgust,
For it was of no use to me.
But as if in a dream, the melody came to me,
So softly that I did not hear it at first.

I stopped, for I felt something in my heart,
Stirring, moving.
I listened closer, and there it was:
The song of My Heart.

I thought myself foolish to have ever forgotten it.
I sang my song as loudly as I could.
I breathed it, danced in it.
I felt it in my bones, my soul.

I knew I would forget my song again
And each time remembering it once more
Though, in that moment I knew:
Never again did I want to forget its notes.

The author's comments:
This is a story of faith and passion for the things beyond us, and the forgetfulness of it all.

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