Imagine | Teen Ink


December 7, 2011
By KiiKii BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
KiiKii BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Holes in concrete walls,
bullets through hospital windows,
shattered glass like fallen stars.
Deep as ocean cracks in sidewalks,
dead water the color of smoke,
visible homes without windows or doors.
Torn tee shirts with sole-less shoes,
sad eyes with tears the size of hail,
searching for scraps of food fit for mice.
Close your eyes and see,
emerald green grass,
turquoise clear skies.
Open them again,
reality hits like unexpected war,
leaving a world in so much pain.
The crying and fears going skin deep,
with happiness as real as fairy tales,

The author's comments:
do you see what I see ?

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