A Horse's Prayer . . . | Teen Ink

A Horse's Prayer . . .

December 8, 2011
By JSNSCW97 BRONZE, Geneseo, Illinois
JSNSCW97 BRONZE, Geneseo, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A horse’s prayer . . . .

Please, when we are thirsty, lend us water to cure it.

Give me a warm shelter, with cozy bedding to rest upon.

Make sure we get our hay and grain when needed, to make us do our best.

If injured, please give us the time to heal, whether it be from a broken leg to a broken heart.
But most importantly, treat us with the respect we deserve. Don’t get mad at us for not understanding, help us to learn from our mistakes.


The author's comments:
The tital says it all.

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