Dazzling Purple and Gold | Teen Ink

Dazzling Purple and Gold

December 12, 2011
By lizlaughluv33 BRONZE, Yarmouth, Maine
lizlaughluv33 BRONZE, Yarmouth, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The purple irises glisten
like sunlight off water.
They catch a drop of dew,
upon the tips of their petals.
They stand beautifully
like flasks of fragrance,
that soak up the sun.
They call out for the enticing
sensation of happiness.

I make a wish upon each petal,
and blow them away in the sunlight,
and hope they will have a safe journey
to someone else’s palm.

A yellow willow tree,
with long
strings of primrose branches,
swings in the gentle breeze.
It scatters seeds on the earthy soil.
It snags one of the petals,
it brings it into safety.

A minuscule bird
sits in the swaying tree.
She wears her stark yellow feathers
She cries her song
for the world to hear...
but nobody listens.

Anger, fear, jealousy...
I lose it all.
I toss all those feelings out a window
and watch them fly away in a flurry of wind.
All that remains
is a purple world
with shades of gold and delicate love.

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