the ocean is | Teen Ink

the ocean is

December 10, 2011
By nathandurham SILVER, McDonough, Georgia
nathandurham SILVER, McDonough, Georgia
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

the ocean is calling out at the top of its lungs
“swim in my depths and i will make love(truth)to you”
says its playful mouth my darling my dear,

are you hearing him beg for your goodness
sweetness caressing mister sea now you are full of him
—call me venomous call me a monster—

for i am the callous heart pumping blood needing
oxygen (life—which is truth[which is love])
see him in the clouds riding his golden lightning bolt

he is zeus(for he is vast)he is apollos he is athena
and aphrodite(for he is beautiful)wonderful are you
are the clouds and the sun and you are life!

whatever is is and will be should be concerned with
health(which is love[truth]—which is life (which is you!)
how sweet is this angel in the ocean calling!

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