Details? | Teen Ink


December 12, 2011
By Dia Yusupova BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
Dia Yusupova BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Roses are red

Violets are blue

This fact is far from true

Look at an image as basic as a tree

But find a million details in just one leaf

Interesting? Maybe. Details can be tricky!

Roses aren’t exactly red and neither are violets just blue

Look deeply enough and you just might find something that’ll fascinate you!

Details are like a caterpillar that no one cares about

But when it turns into a beautiful butterfly they automatically stand out!

Caterpillars are just insects when it comes to you and me

Yet, if you look closely they’re actually quite good looking.

You may be asking, “Roses, Violets, Caterpillars, and trees…

Why should I care about the details of all these simple things?”

Simple things can tell you a lot about the scene

Like “The Where’s Waldo” has a Waldo on each page

But if you don’t look hard enough you’ll forfeit the game.

The author's comments:
Details people!!!!

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