Big Brutha Chris | Teen Ink

Big Brutha Chris

October 24, 2011
By Anonymous

1. Back when I was a kid you'd always be there
to run around and tickle me.
2. Tears fell every night after you left forever to
be with grumo.
3. But I know you wouldn't have traded heaven to
come back here, after what they did to you.
4. You were there for my first steps, first words, first
smile, to make me laugh, but I wish you could've
been here to see my first high school graduation.
5. I remember when you use to tell me all the time that
I better graduate, and when you said, "Lex I don't
want you to be like me in the streets."
6. Never a day I dreamed that you'd leave.
7. That time we got in that fight a week before you died, yea I just wanted to say I apologize.

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