And Then They Were One | Teen Ink

And Then They Were One

December 4, 2011
By Anonymous

They started as just another ACC team.
They had decent seasons, but never anything extraordinary.
They were familiar with starting off strong and falling apart.
But this year was different.
With the spark of a few new people, they were transformed.
This time, they continued their streak.
They did not back down in the face of defeat.
They could have given up. Called it quits.
But they fought on.
It was their turn to come out of top.
They put the nonbelievers to rest.
And when it was down to two, they would not lose.
And then they were one.
They went from agony to ecstasy.
All the critics could say was, "How?"
And their response? "How do you like us now?"
Go Tigers!

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