Secret Feelings | Teen Ink

Secret Feelings

December 4, 2011
By Anonymous

I look up at the stars
And know they don't compare to how beautiful you are
You hold a special place in my heart
Even if you don't feel the same way
I feel like we are close and feel the need to say
That I really like you
And it might seem weird to think bout us as a couple
But I have the hope that one day out of the blue
You will see that what I feel for you is simple
And maybe even consider
Being mine
Not to sweet talk you into a decision
But to me you are the sunshine
And the Mona Lisa is no competition
There is not one word to describe how amazing you are
And that's why this poem is so hard
But I am trying my best
And I want to confess
That at times I do think of a future with you
And maybe sometime soon
You will too

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