Coffee pot | Teen Ink

Coffee pot

December 4, 2011
By Lloyd BRONZE, Brookline, New Hampshire
Lloyd BRONZE, Brookline, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I like to leave the coffee pot on all night
because reheated coffee does not stay as warm as long
and in the morning
I want a hot brew.

My partner says to me,
Don't be stupid;
you'll burn down the house,

and I say to her,
That would not make my coffee hot enough.

I like my coffee to taste like coffee
and so every evening, when I'm grinding beans,
I use a handful extra.
I want a strong whiff.

To me, she says,
That's disgusting.
Why don't you just drink mud?

To her, I say,
You know, if it were naturally caffeinated, I probably would.

I like my mug to hurt my fingers.
I like to grip a scalding drink with
cream and sugar.
I want the steam in my face.

She says,
You might hurt yourself, dear;
don't hurt yourself.

I say,
is worth it.

is not a metaphor.
It really is about the coffee
and the fact that I have it,
every day,
exactly as it is.

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