The Power of One | Teen Ink

The Power of One

November 30, 2011
By akap97 BRONZE, Old Westbury, New York
akap97 BRONZE, Old Westbury, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A gunshot,
one gunshot,
one piece of metal,
one trigger,
one finger,
just one gunshot,
and a whole world can change,
a mother, emotionally destroyed,
a child, forever scarred,
a wife, forever lost,
a soul, forever forgotten,
and a life simply gone,
vanished into thin air,
a friend,
a father,
a brother,
a companion,
a person,

A gunshot,
one gunshot,
does not just kill a man,
but kills a whole world,
of friendship,
of inspiration,
of love,
and distraught.

It is unthinkable,
that a 9 millimeter piece of metal,
can do so much,
yet this is what we have brought upon ourselves,
a world in which one,
is all it takes,
one piece of metal,
one trigger,
one finger,
and just one gunshot.

The author's comments:
"Our world today has come to a point of insanity. We have allowed barbarism to overtake civility and no longer have true order. This poem is dedicated to all those still lost in a bubble where the true horrors of the world are still hidden from them. Where they do not realize that an entire world can change in a split second, with one decision, and one bullet."

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