Ignorance is Bliss | Teen Ink

Ignorance is Bliss

November 30, 2011
By Michael McClay BRONZE, Fairhope, Alabama
Michael McClay BRONZE, Fairhope, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It glares at me,
Taunts me with its looks.

My friends give in,
But my resolve is strong.

They are on cloud nine,
But as the saying goes…

I stand in my icy abandon watching,
As though behind closed doors.

They seem to be prosperous,
But anything could happen.

To hell with my resolve,
I’m going to go.

Halfway there, I hear a voice,
It’s not to late, turn now.

I made it to the top,
There’s only one way to go.

I peer over the edge…
Perhaps I shouldn’t’ve come.

But it’s time for action now,
And I plunge down,


Into the black abyss I go,
Where the only certainty is uncertainty.

I make it back
To where I was when I began.

My resolve returns,
Only to be left behind once more.

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