Faith | Teen Ink


November 23, 2011
By Lost_Dreamer GOLD, Taylorsville, Georgia
Lost_Dreamer GOLD, Taylorsville, Georgia
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nowhere's as beautiful as a dream.

Out where the sun still shines,
Where green grass still does grow--
I found a thing yet unseen--
I see it each place I now go--

It is not a large thing, but a small,
Fragile, easily broken, and light--
It sits upon my heart's swing--
And it's there through-harshest-night--

I feel it on the mountain-tops,
On the peak of new-born sun,
It refuses reference to the dark--
And stays when each plight has begun--

Now I am never truly alone,
For faith perches in my eyes--
It teaches lessons I never knew,
And it keeps me from-demise--

I feel it through all temptation,
Through all my winding ways,
I know it encases my soul--
For it I'll never have to pay.

The author's comments:
Emily Dickinson's style of writing inspired me, so I decided to give it a shot.

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