Tearing Roses | Teen Ink

Tearing Roses

November 23, 2011
By OreoFang SILVER, Summerfiled, Florida
OreoFang SILVER, Summerfiled, Florida
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live the dream you've dreamed to live"

A blood red,fragile rose
Tore apart on me so easily
It reminded me of my heart
When another petal tore apart on me
But the only difference between
Them that I see is that the rose didn't bleed
I can tear it apart as much as I want
And the rose won't lay here and die slowly
That is completely unfair
Why must everyone live but me
Well,if the world is going to stay the same
Then,the longer you live,you go through more suffering
So,I guess that if this rose and I die
I might actually be kinda happy
But,never knowing how much I loved you
Before you die is a little depressing
Well,at least we will see each other
After I pass away,well,probably
So,for right now,I'm content with
Killing this rose like you killed me
Petal by every soft petal
Watching out for the thorns,carefully
Without a single,brilliant thought
Not even a slightest feeling of sorry
Just letting the petals fall
Then,when they are all gone,I leave
And on to the next dying rose
That I can barely see
To tear it so painfully apart
Just like you so calmly did with me
Or maybe I should spare the rose
And tear your heart apart maliciously
Like you did for me

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