I Hope It's Warm | Teen Ink

I Hope It's Warm

November 22, 2011
By kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
kaitlynsierra GOLD, Carmel, Maine
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Love Conquers All"

I’m gonna run, run, run
‘Till I have nowhere to go.
Until my feet touch ground
In towns that I don’t know.

I’m gonna try, try, try
To find some peace of mind.
And I won’t stop until
There’s no more time for I.

But it’s getting colder outside.
I hope it’s warm where you are.

Because the sun stopped shining here.
The moment you left
And I’ve tried to find a way let go.
But you won’t get out of my head.

I’ve tried to go, go, go
Far away from here.
But I can’t because
I haven’t faced my fears.

I’m gonna hope, hope, hope
These feelings don’t last.
Because all I want is them
In my past with you.

But it’s getting colder outside.
Oh, God, I hope it’s warm where you are.

Because the sun stopped shining here.
The moment you left.
And I’m trying to find a way to let go.
But you won’t get out of my head.

You never liked the cold.
And I never liked the dark.
You were the sun shining in my sky.
I thought I was the fire in your eyes.

One more night.
We’ll spend it under the stars.
But when the morning does come,
And trust me I know it will.
We need to move on with our lives.

But I hope it’s warm where you are.

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