The Trampled Path | Teen Ink

The Trampled Path

November 28, 2011
By EscobarColumbo BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
EscobarColumbo BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

He walks along the trampled path,
knowing no direction save the footprints.
He chases the paper of greed,
never having enough to satisfy them and himself.
He follows the life press of society,
whose final product leaves him empty.
He walks along the trampled path,
for he was too afraid to create his own.
He was once an outsider,
but he wondered in …
and forgot he was once outside.

The author's comments:
I wrote the trampled about a man who loses his individuality. He was once free from the monotony of an industrialized life but lost his desire to be an individual. He found that it was easier to be like everyone else. Eventually he forgot what it was like to be a true individual being.

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