In the shadows | Teen Ink

In the shadows

November 29, 2011
By Amanda333 SILVER, Portland, Oregon
Amanda333 SILVER, Portland, Oregon
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

One long, dark, harrowing alley
One more trembling, heart stopping passage

To go on or to turn back is a decision I cannot make
But it will make no difference
I will face him eventually

The conniving, blood thirsty beast
The unnamed ghost
The soul sucking spirit of our nightmares

He is everything and nothing
Knives for fingers
One thousand eyes
Fangs instead of teeth
You cannot avoid it
He will always find you

Going down to the depths of hell
I will meet him soon

If you survive battle with him
You are free from the clutches of evil
Otherwise a torturous, horrific death
That many have faced
I know of no one who has triumphed

I can see his temple now
Far in the distance
Bones, organs, and blood
Put together in a crude monument

I know when I reach it
He will be waiting

And if you decide to fight him
He will be waiting for you too

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