You are.. | Teen Ink

You are..

November 28, 2011
By CourtneyK SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
CourtneyK SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are the ink in my drawings
The ink that keeps the picture going
My motivation to keep going
My reason to move forward

You are the smile
That fills my memories

You are the sunlight
That makes my reality bright
The highlight of my life
And the most important part

You are the positive voice lurking in my ears
With four word that mean the world to me
“I love you beautiful”

You are the Dad you never had
The dad that my dad was
Loving your child like no other
Being the best parent, with life’s struggles

You are my everything

The author's comments:
My boyfriend

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