Make Me Unlove You | Teen Ink

Make Me Unlove You

November 8, 2011
By alyssalove BRONZE, Woodstock, Georgia
alyssalove BRONZE, Woodstock, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blank stares and empty words.
What are we now?
Can you explain?
Make me unlove you.
Quiet nights alone and painful walks on memory lane.
When are we going to be done with this?
Longing stares in your direction, loving gazes, but to someone else.
Looks like you’ve moved on.
Make me unlove you.
I don’t know how to pick up the pieces and move on, because all I see is you.
You’re here today, gone tomorrow.
Make me unlove you.
And the pieces of my heart remain shattered,
Searching the world for another soul to share it with.
Kiss me one last time.
Make me unlove you.
Make it worth my time.
Make the pain worth it,
Inside I still love you.
Make the pain go away, make me unlove you.
I need my soul back…

The author's comments:
I was inlove with someone for a long time, and still am. I want to unlove him, but I never will!

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