School | Teen Ink


November 2, 2011
By mzkendrababy SILVER, Miamisburg, Ohio
mzkendrababy SILVER, Miamisburg, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking into a new school can be hard
Sometimes very difficult
New friends, new life, new you
No one knows anything about you
As you walk down the hallway you can see people with their friends
And you….
Your all alone
You try to talk to someone but you get ignored
It makes you think to yourself
Is it because I’m new?
Each and every class is hard for you
Still your all by yourself with no one to talk to
People are looking at you funny and giving mean looks
It makes you think to yourself
Is it because I’m new?
You go into lunch trying to find a place to sit
As you go to sit with someone all alone, they look at you with disgust
They say they prefer to be alone than to be seen with you
It makes you think to yourself
Is it because I’m new?
Finally the day is over and you get onto your bus
Looking for a seat, you try to sit next to a girl alseep
Thinking she won’t notice, she wakes up
She looks at you…
She smiles and says hi
In shock you look at her blankly, but find the breath to say hi back
The bus ride home feels better, knowing someone is nice to you
As she gets off, you feel alone again
You try finding someone else to talk to
But no one is paying you any attention
You make it home
In your room you look in the mirror….
Then you see why no one talks to you
It’s because your pregnant
It makes you think to yourself
Why won’t people be my friend since I’m pregnant?
But then again, on the bus someone did talk to you
That’s when you realize…
She was pregnant too

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on Dec. 3 2011 at 8:03 pm
billgamesh11 BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 278 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's always darkest before the dawn." ~Florence and the Machine

Wow, this was very powerful

Great Job!!! :):):);)