The Reincarnated Maiden's Reply | Teen Ink

The Reincarnated Maiden's Reply

November 21, 2011
By rebelcowgirl SILVER, Siloam Springs, Arkansas
rebelcowgirl SILVER, Siloam Springs, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'll runaway and be your love,
To the stars and heaven above.
I'll leave everything back behind,
Because true love is hard to find.

And I'll gladly go to the past,
Back to the place where we met last.
Into a world of blissful dreams,
Everlasting flowers, and streams.

I don't need any modern things,
I can use crystals as earrings.
Broad leafs and flowers as my robes,
This world has plenty of wardrobes.

The soft, warm grass can be my bed,
When with you, I can rest my head.
At night the moonlight comes,
And golden dust dances near mums.

We'll walk along the shores of lakes,
With no worries of age and aches.
We'll be in a mystical land,
Watching fairies dance in my hand.

So my love don't have any fear,
Cause my love will always stay here.
So look up to heaven above,
And know that I will be your love.

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