Captured | Teen Ink

Captured MAG

November 21, 2011
By xallie27xox SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
xallie27xox SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The lights inside
Blind the men held hostage.
Each frantically tries to escape
The translucent wall
But it curves around in a circular fashion,
Leaving them dazed and jumbled.
Bouncing from side to side:
Mere attempts to find an escape hole,
But the vents in the ceiling are too narrow,
There is nowhere to flee.

The monotonous tone
Of the incessant pounding on the walls
Sounds like a dead man's tune.
This midsummer's night
Is dark and humid
And as the lights flicker inside,

The shadow outside the prison becomes visible.
Illuminated by the moonlight,
A giant eyeball peers inside,
The enemy inspecting his catch.
His joyful gaze is taunting,
With a slight hint of

Pleading for their lives,
The enemy still remains adamant
With keeping his newly found collection.
Grasping the jar with both hands,
The young boy runs home,
To show off his new prize.

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