Your Purpose | Teen Ink

Your Purpose

November 21, 2011
By Thairi Paulino BRONZE, New York, New York
Thairi Paulino BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why? There’s no point.
It’s the same thing each day.
We go through difficulties,
And we face them.
But, what’s the reason for it.

I ask you each day,
But I never get a response
Speak to me.
Tell me now.
Why am I here?

I’m here to respond to you.
Why, you ask.
Here are the reasons.
Have you ever realized?
I’ve responded before.

You are here for…
Different reasons every day.
Have you noticed?
You have an impact on others
With your actions.

Your purpose could have been to…
Tell a family member
“I love you!” or
Smile to a stranger or
Be an example to others.

You woke up today to…
Meet someone new or
Learn something or
See the beauty of nature or
Make food for others.

You are here to…
Be a friend or
Find true love or
Teach others or
Help someone.

Your purpose is to…
Experience the good and bad or
Be unique in a crowd and
Love one another and
Be here for me.

There are millions of reasons,
And no amount of paper
Could fit all of them.
But just remember each day,
You have a purpose.

The author's comments:
This peace was inspired by experiencing others ask themselves what there purpose was. I wanted to be the voice of God for others to realize their purpose.

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