Only Winning is Fun | Teen Ink

Only Winning is Fun

November 16, 2011
By victoriacatgirl PLATINUM, Palm Desert, California
victoriacatgirl PLATINUM, Palm Desert, California
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whatever you are, be a good one." Abraham Lincoln

Contests, competitions, races
They say have fun
How can you have fun when the only thing you want to do is beat the opposing team?
It’s only fun if you win
You lose
The coach says at least you had fun
Yeah, right
How do you have fun while you have no hope of winning that giant trophy?
That’s what pushes us to win
Keeping your eyes on the prize
Without it, losers still don’t have fun
Because no matter what, there is a prize
Whether the feeling of victory, or a giant shiny trophy
Competitions are not fun unless you win

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