Without You | Teen Ink

Without You

November 4, 2011
By Anonymous

My hands begin to shake my teeth begin to chatter My body begins to tremble To the sound of your name My heart begins to beat My blood begins to flow My stomach begins to ache to the sound of your voice My voice begins to tremble as i begin to say "Goodbye" the words I've never imagined me saying that to you And slowly my hands stop shaking My teeth stop chattering My body stops Trembling My heart stops My blood stops flowing My stomach has no ache My voice has no tremble And you leave without a word, Leaving me there dieing because without you I am nothing Without you their is no need to live Without you Isn't how i want to Live

The author's comments:
I wrote this and dedicated it to my best friend and her boyfriend i wrote it because one day she came crying to school and thought he was cheating on her and she cried all day and she felt like dieing but i knew that wasn't right so i wrote this to show her in other words how what she was saying sounded

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