Sin, our creation | Teen Ink

Sin, our creation

November 9, 2011
By xXLove-Is-DeathXx BRONZE, Madison Heights, Virginia
xXLove-Is-DeathXx BRONZE, Madison Heights, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love is death, life is pain embrace what you face it makes you stronger in the end.

Sin is created by the human mind,
both normal and insane
Every soul is to blame
Yet we laugh
They cry
Those children
The survivors of war
Still sigh
The dying still live in misery
We all created Let the blade of woe
Cut us
Kill us And cast us where we belong
Until we learn
To be God's children again
Let the light fill us again
Don't pretend
Cuz' he knows your lie
He witnesses thou lust
He fights against your murder
He sees thou stealing
Buried alone
No coffin
Just darkness
And fire
Change our ways
Just to be born again
But to make the same creation
Sin, sin, sin
Why must you follow me
Why can't you persih
And let me be
Let me live holy again

The author's comments:
What inspire me to write this was that i grew up having no religion eventhough I labeled myself as Buddhist or any other religion that dosen't include God as our savior.

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