Rise though we Fall | Teen Ink

Rise though we Fall

November 14, 2011
By Q..howperplexing..Q SILVER, St.louis, Missouri
Q..howperplexing..Q SILVER, St.louis, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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With harbored hate,
rise we shall.
Held in fear,
no longer are we.

Though a combative foe,
awaiting thee.
Riveting hate,
goes marching on.
Though defeat lay eminent,
their hate shall drive them,
through their final breaths.

This foe stands strong,
stronger than thee.
death now beckons,
for our final ascent.

our foes squander in triumph,
yet in years to come honor, victory, and liberty will be ours
to hold.

HONOR forever lies within us all,
it is our duty to discover it.
then this world will be truly

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