Words | Teen Ink


November 8, 2011
By Kayla Poley BRONZE, White Pigeon, Michigan
Kayla Poley BRONZE, White Pigeon, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Can they hear what they say?
Do they know what it means?
Do they even know why?

Words can be like knives…
Causing tears, and sometimes blood.
Bones they may not break, but souls they can crush.

Lies. They spread.
Rumors. They whisper.
“Jokes.” They tell.
It’s all fun and games.

Until it’s turned on them then nothing matters.
It’s all just harmless chatter.


Those who hurt hide in fear.
“Can’t they see my tears?”
You change the way you see.
“What’s wrong with me?”

You can’t see that it’s not you.
Don’t let what they say make YOU disappear.
One day things will change.

The author's comments:
I have seen many people being bullied and have been bullied myself. Bullying can break down a someones self-esteem and their view of life. I wrote this poem to say that the words bullies use are painful, but that we have to realize that their words are saying more about themselves than they are the victims of bullying. There is nothing wrong with the victims. It is the bullies that have problems and are in the wrong.

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