The Place In Our Dreams | Teen Ink

The Place In Our Dreams

November 10, 2011
By Anonymous

A light peers through the valley
Lighting a small path as it goes
Where will it take me
I may never know
Will it bring light or dark
What will it contain
Do I follow it or run far away
Where will I run
How far will I go
Where is that place that we all long for
The one in our dreams
That contains only the good stuff
How do we find this place
Is it even real
Or just lies we tell ourselves
Is it a place far better than we could ever have imagined
Or is it all imagination
Why is it a hidden secret
Packed far away
Do we keep searching
Or is that a lost cause
This place maybe be right in front of you
Or too great to be found
Why is kept hidden
To keep it from the poison of humankind
Or to make us experience a journey
Why do even care
If we don’t know what this place contains
Then why should we long for something
We know nothing of

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