My Vision | Teen Ink

My Vision

November 10, 2011
By NWCVERN BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
NWCVERN BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hard work beats talent, when talent does not work hard!"

The life I have experienced
Has not been all charm and fame
Some act counterfeit
While others turn negative around my name

I work hard to improve on
my strength everyday
because I know in the future
it will help in numerous ways.
When I achieve a goal,
I strive to stay humble
for when I’m nearby to accomplish
the next step
my insides start to tumble.

With uncertainties and nerves
that I’m one step closer to my dream
with the mentality I embrace,
if I make a mistake I shall redeem
because I know
comparable to every other
living thing, I am not flawless.
But I try to stay true,
and circumvent those who neglect.

I will do all in my authority,
to make sure I come out triumphant
So if I don’t make it,
I’m not liable and I don’t live
the rest of my life stressful
If I could believe it
I could achieve it
my dream.

The author's comments:
This is how I feel about myself to this day. Trying my best to work hard and use my God-given talents. In the end I just want to make my family proud and happy.

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