I Can See You | Teen Ink

I Can See You

November 3, 2011
By grlwiththedog BRONZE, Carson City, Nevada
grlwiththedog BRONZE, Carson City, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People may judge us,
turn their preconceptions upon us.
Doubting what we have,
believing, that statistics show that
in this America, in this day, in this moment
it will not last.
That half of all legally committed relationships
will not weather the storm,
will not endeavor to persevere to
value the commitment that they’ve made.

Were people less happy when vows
could not be broken so easily?
The answer to that is yes.

So what gives me the authority
to determine that at 19,
I want you for the rest of my life?
That through love, experience, and separation
I have chosen you
as my life partner.
The odds stack against us,
the statistics promise a less than successful
future, and yet, I am sure.

How? Because, I can see you.
I can see you,
Slipping a ring over my finger,
voicing promises from letters written
in separation that incited unknown appreciation.
I can see you inspiring and supporting me
In discovering the world
Because that’s what partners do.

I can see you
holding my hand
as we find that the
embodiment of our love only
comes into the world in the form
of small beings who tip-toe down the hallway
to disturb our peace with their giggling.

I can see you
as they grow and leave
us to our own devices, which
will be well known by then.
The world, waiting to be conquered again.

I can see you,
rocking in wisdom as we
look back on the life we
have built and realize that
life has been what it was always
meant to be--
Each other.

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