Genesis | Teen Ink


September 25, 2011
By millywilly66 BRONZE, Hendersonville, North Carolina
millywilly66 BRONZE, Hendersonville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All hope of normalcy was lost

as I looked into your lucid eyes and

the air fled from my lungs like a

balloon except I wasn’t falling,

darling, I was flying, high above

what was perceived as real or ideal and it was just us.

Just us and your gaze and my touch.

It was then that you told me that the sky

was green and I believed you because green

was the color of your eyes and that’s where

I found light and life.

It was then that we pushed our

cold, curious fingerprints into the sky

to make clouds, batted our adoring

eyelashes to make birds, laughed

our languid laughs to make wind.

They say that God make the earth,

and maybe he did, but the world,

darling, we made the world.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 16 2011 at 3:22 pm
actuallyali BRONZE, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We can't all be waterproof-- much less kissproof."

This is beautiful. I don't have much to say besides that. The way you write reminds me of the way someone very dear to me writes and I got a little nostalgic reading this.

Sometimes I wonder if we all really know each other somehow.