Not My Heart Part 1 and 2 | Teen Ink

Not My Heart Part 1 and 2

October 31, 2011
By PositiveWinterWrenn BRONZE, Andover, Vermont
PositiveWinterWrenn BRONZE, Andover, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What sound does a brick make? thud.

I can't feel my heart today, I can't feel my heart today. I feel as though I am heartless, with some substitute that's the equivalent of a heart but isn't MY heart. Some strange phenomenon, like I was born without a heart, just something that feels like one. On the verge of tears I stare, I stare confused into the hole where my heart seemed to be once but isn't anymore.

Part 2:
I am holding someone else's heart but I don't know who's it is. Bullets of confusion riddle my brain and cause vast chaos within me. Holding another ones heart, holding it hostage until that person who's heart I posses surrenders and stops firing those bullets I hate so much. And gives me back My heart.

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