On The Edge | Teen Ink

On The Edge

November 6, 2011
By Anonymous

On the edge,
Leaving goodbyes.
Then I'll leap from the ledge,
That's the way I will die.
So sad for those
left far behind
Wondering why I chose
to escape my own mind.
Scarlet paints a sky once blue
I let a single tear slip
and then I flew.
I was sailing across oceans on a ship.
I was seeing colors I never had knew.
I was losing myslef amongst such dreams
So I never even saw the mourning crowds, with their tears running like streams.
The sobs they let shriek
For the girl they called freak.
Oh, what they would change!
If only fate could be rearranged!
But I'm too busy now
Living up on my cloud
To miss all that strife
I faced in my life.
On the edge now,
but just let me be!
For when I jump down,
I will finally be free.

The author's comments:
Dark thoughts that came to me while I contemplated life and death on top of my school's roof.

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