The end of an era | Teen Ink

The end of an era

October 30, 2011
By Meeshelle15 BRONZE, Fort Pierce, Florida
Meeshelle15 BRONZE, Fort Pierce, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"assume a virtue if you have it not."

The end of an era begins.
And I take my time saying goodbye to you, my friends.
A toast to the last days of our lives.
A toast to our cherished memories.

But I know what we have will withstand
The next chapter of new-found pleasures and trials,
The separation of miles between us,
What we have will never die.

As we each grow up and grow older,
Our fire of friendship will surely smoulder,
Only to rise from the ashes,
Catalyzed by God's matches,
For he has blessed our relationship.

And when our connections begin to grow weak,
He'll intervene to tweak
The Fates to bring us together again,
Closer and stronger than ever before.
Know that our love for each other
Is for better or worse.

The author's comments:
This is inspired by the bittersweetness of my senior year of high school.

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