Paradise | Teen Ink


October 30, 2011
By AlextheLion DIAMOND, Fort Wayne, Indiana
AlextheLion DIAMOND, Fort Wayne, Indiana
55 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being secure, knowing it's all safe.
Knowing where that hearts placed.
Every day doesn't need elongated talks.
Because silence is golden in our walks.
My shoulder aches, but it's all right.
You're on my shoulder this happy night.
Hold your hand knowing you'll hold mine.
Not doing this, would be a crime.
Breaking laws to reinforce the scene.
I forgive you, you aren't that mean.
The kisses that end our car rides,
Shoots chills up my ticklish sides.
Oh baby, I just can't get enough of you.
I like your type, the Malaysian brew.
You may be smart, you may be pretty.
You may be a clutz, a little bit ditzy.
But I like your odd, goofy dancing.
Even your bad singing got me prancing.
I go to bed excited to see you tomorrow,
Wearing MY hoodie that I let you borrow.
Taking you home at one o' clock,
In one word Beautiful, I say you rock.
Konichiwa, come and move my way.
After school, and we're helping at play.
It's after lunch, and I need that hug.
I got you, and I'm feeling pretty smug.
I'm glad you're in my life guuurl.
Obviously, you got my mind on a twirl.

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