On Drowning | Teen Ink

On Drowning

October 27, 2011
By mysticXmarker SILVER, Reno, Nevada
mysticXmarker SILVER, Reno, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Over my head and down my throat, drowning am I in an ocean of my own creation.

The pounding of my heart, like war drums in my ears. Breaths greedily withheld refuse to be contained; they release in floods of gleaming lights and shapes that both captivate and blind me. I stay here, suspended, mesmerized by my essence as it rises above me. Cold fingers reach out and grope for the life being lost.

I feel so very lost at this moment. My body sinks lower into darkness, and the night entwines itself around my ankles. I still stare towards the glittering lights I tried to hide away, now so vulnerable and free. So unobtainable.

How did I ever think I could keep them?

The author's comments:
My Creative Writing teacher just told me to write. This came out. A very happy fluke that I'm going to keep running with.

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